International development projects

RwandaFeasibility study of implementing a BDF Integrated Management Information System (MIS)World BankBusiness Development Fund (BDF)2024-2026
North MacedoniaDevelopment of Functional/Technical Requirements and Bidding Documents for PRO Working BodyWorld BankMinistry of Finance2024-2025
AlbaniaSupport SAO to bring judicial practices in line with EU best practices and human rights standardsEUState Advocate's Office (SAO)2024-2025
CARICOM RegionConsultancy on International Trade in ServicesEDFCARICOM secretariat2023-2024
PalestineBusiness Process Re-engineering (BPR) of Procedures, Forms, Templates for e-Government ProcurementWorld BankHigh Council for Public Procurement Policies2022-2024
PalestineDeveloping a Multi-Tenant and Integrated Payroll System for the Palestinian National AuthorityEUMinistry of Finance2021-2024
North MacedoniaDesign of Single Unified Registry SystemWorld BankMinistry of Labor and Social Policy2021-2024
AlbaniaTechnical design and quality control for property data digitisation and data improvementEUState Cadastre Agency2021-2023
North MacedoniaPreparation of documents for establishing a Central Disability Certification Coordination UnitWorld BankMinistry of Labor and Social Policy2021-2023
MontenegroContribution to the Establishment of the Natura 2000 Network for MontenegroEUMinistry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism, and the Environmental Protection Agency2021-2023
Sri LankaDevelop an Institutional Information Technology Strategy and Provide Implementation SupportWorld BankSecurities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka2021-2022
South AfricaStrengthening Financial Management and Consequence Management for Municipal Finance Management ActEUNational Treasury2021-2022
HungaryIncreasing the efficiency of the public employment service´s administrative process with ICT reformEU, DG ReformMinistry for Innovation and Technology2021-2022
MontenegroImplementation of a System for the Centralized Calculation of EarningsEUMinistry of Finance2019-2022
KazakhstanImproving Public Services in Legal Entities Registration and Record Registration of Their BranchesWorld BankMinistry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan2019-2020
KazakhstanImproving Justice Bodies' Activities in Implementation of Legal Outreach PoliciesWorld BankMinistry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan2019-2020
SerbiaBelgrade Water - Financial and Operational Performance Improvement ProgrammeEBRDWater and Sewage Company of the City of Belgrade2019 - 2020
MontenegroSupport to accession to Common Transit Convention and Convention on Facilitation of Trade in GoodsEUCustoms Administration2018-2022
MontenegroCapacity building for MONSTATEUStatistical Office of Montenegro (MONSTAT)2018-2020
ZimbabwePerformance Review of the Zimbabwe Forestry CommissionEUMinistry of Environment2018-2019
SerbiaTA for Establishing the Institutional Framework for the Implementation of AIS/AESEUCustoms Administration of the Republic of Serbia2017-2019
MontenegroEstablishment of Natura 2000 networkEUMinistry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, Environmental Protection Agency2016-2019
MongoliaTechnical assistance advisory (Statistical and IT expertise)World BankNational Registration and Statistics Office of Mongolia2016-2018
SerbiaImproving mechanism for financing of the civil society sector from public funding in SerbiaEUDelegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia2016-2017
AlbaniaPreparation and drafting of programming documents to support Justice Sector ReformsEUMinistry of Justice2016-2017
AzerbaijanUpgrading and modernizing court web portalWorld BankMinistry of Justice2015-2016
Caribbean CommunityEstablishment of a Labour Market Information System for Free Movement of Skills within the CSMEEUCaribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat2014-2017
MoldovaImprovement of Regional Statistics in the Republic of MoldovaEUNational Bureau of Statistics2014-2016
EU and EFTA countriesPeer reviews in EU Member states and EFTA countriesEUEUROSTAT2014-2015
RomaniaDevelope evaluation capacity of ROP MA (Regional Operational Programme Managing Authority), ROP IBEUMinistry of Regional Development and Public Administration2014-2015
SerbiaCreation of conditions for organizational, functional restructuring within the public administrationEUMinistry of Public Administration and Local Self Government2014-2015
DjiboutiTA for the preparation of 11th EDF RIP for IGAD region, regional programming exercise for 11th EDFEUDjibouti, IGAD Secretariat and EU Delegation Djibouti2014-2015
MontenegroImproving Statistical Information SystemEUStatistical Office of Montenegro2013-2015
RomaniaMonitoring and Evaluation of Structural ReformsWorld BankThe General Secretariat of the Government2013-2015
KazahstanAnalysis, Assessment, Recommendations on Modernization of Information and Communications Technology,World BankCustoms Control Committee of the Ministry of Finance2013-2014
MacedoniaSoftware Solution for Online Filling in the Statistical QuestionnairesEUState Statistical Office2013-2014
MontenegroSupport to the Human Resources Management AuthorityEUThe Human Resources Management Authority2013-2014
CroatiaBusiness process analysis and improvementEUAgency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices2013-2014
SerbiaManagement Information Improvement Project, Phase 3 (MIIP 3)Norwegian Ministry of Foreign AffairsMinistry of Interior2012-2015
CroatiaEstablishment of an integrated management information systemEUMinistry of Finance2012-2014
RomaniaProfessional project management services and system analysis for the implementation of the ForExeBugEUMinistry of Public Finance2012-2014
Bosnia and HerzegovinaDevelopment of an EU Acquis-Compliant Legislative Framework in the field of Electricity in Bosnia anEUMinistry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, Entities' Line Ministries, State and Entity Regulators2012-2013
Bosnia and HerzegovinaTechnical assistance to population and housing census - phase IIEUAgency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BHAS), Institute for Statistics of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FIS), Institute for Statistics of Republika Srpska2012-2013
RomaniaTechnical Assistance for use of ICT in Local Schools and LibrariesWorld BankMinistry of Communications and Information Society2012-2013
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika of SrpskaPrepare tender documents to purchase hardware, software and licences to implement SAP ERP systemsBiH public procurementMixed Holding Power Utility, Electric Power Company2011-2015
MacedoniaManagement Support to the New Computerized Transit System (NCTS) ImplementationEUMacedonian Customs Administration2011-2013
RomaniaRMS (resource management system) implementation for contract management and monitoringWorld BankMinistry of Justice2011-2013
RomaniaDevelopment of MySMISEUAuthority for the Coordination of Structural Instruments2011-2013
RomaniaDevelopment of an Information Centre for Structural InstrumentsEUMinistry of European Affairs2011-2013
CroatiaDevelopment of main register and central application system for Probation serviceEUMinistry of Justice2011-2012
SerbiaSupport to e-government developmentEUMinistry of Justice and Public Administration, Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications2011-2012
AlbaniaSupport to the National Agency for Information Society aimed at building an e-Government infrastructEUNational Agency for Information Society and Ministry for Innovation and ICT2010-2012
CroatiaTechnical assistance in development of selected areas of statisticsEUCroatian Bureau of Statistics2010-2012
KosovoImproving capacity to implement agricultural and rural development policy, and Farmer RegisterEUMinistry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development2010-2012
RomaniaCapacity development for evaluation units in Managing Authorities and in the Beneficiary AuthorityEUAuthority for the Coordination of Structural Funds2010-2012
CroatiaDevelopment of modern information system for strengthening Anti-corruption Inter-Agency Co-operationEUMinistry of Justice2010-2011
SerbiaIT strategyEUCustoms Administration of Serbia2010-2011
AlbaniaTechnical Assistance to the National Statistics Office (INSTAT) and its Regional officesEUNational Statistics Office (INSTAT)2009-2010
CroatiaDeveloping the readiness to implement Schengen Information System (SIS II)EUMinistry of Interior2009-2010
KosovoTA to design technical specification for the "Establishment of a Broadcasting Monitoring System"EUIndependent Media Commission2009-2010
SerbiaSupport to the Financial Management Information SystemEUMinistry of Finance2007-2009
MacedoniaDesigning new business processes, functional specification for pension resolution and payment systemWorld BankPension and Disability Insurance Fund2007-2008
MacedoniaTA to development of operational capacity of the police border serviceEUMinistry of Interior2007-2008
Bosnia and HerzegovinaTechnical Assistance in Implementation of the Air Traffic Management StrategyEUDirectorate for Civil Aviation2006-2007
BulgariaTA for project preparation and implementation for the Phare CBC/INTERREG III A Programme BG-GREUMinistry of Regional Development2006-2007
MacedoniaTechnical Assistance to the Telecommunications SectorEUAgency for Electronic Communication2006-2007
BulgariaTechnical Assistance to the Computerization of the Judiciary IT SystemsEUMinistry of Justice2005-2007
BulgariaDevelopment and Implementation of VIES requirements and EU interoperability standardsEUBulgarian Tax Administration2004-2006
The GambiaE-Government Assessment and Roadmap and Policy DevelopmentWorld BankMinistry of Communications and Digital Economy Republic of The Gambia2024
PalestineProperty valuation system development (Single and Mass valuation)World BankPalestinian Land Authority2023
AlbaniaAdvisory Support for the Validation of Use of Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) 70 MapsWorld BankAgency for the Delivery of Integrated Services in Albania (ADISA)2020
UgandaSupport in the Formulation of the Action 'Service delivery, cohesion and employment through enhancedEUDelegation of the European Union to Uganda2019
MacedoniaEx-post monitoring of Supply of vehicles implemented and financed by IPAEUDelegation of the EU to FYRO Macedonia2018
KazakhstanInformation security assurance in e-health areaWorld BankMinistry of Health2016
SerbiaFormative evaluation of implementation of inclusive practices in the Education System in SerbiaUNICEFUNICEF2016
RomaniaDevelopment of a mechanism for monitoring implementation of anti-corruption actions within NASEUMinistry of Regional Development and Public Administration2014
NigeriaElection Expert Mission (EEM) to NigeriaEUEEAS (European External Action Service) VI.3 Election Division and (Foreign Policy Instruments) FPI/EC Services2014
CroatiaDeveloping the Croatian Health Sector project pipeline for EU fundsWorld BankMinistry of Health2013
AlbaniaDesign a web-based system of the Environmental Information SystemWorld BankMinistry of Environment, Forest and Water Administration2012
AlbaniaSupport and Expansion of the Treasury SystemADA (Austrian Development Agency)Ministry of Finance2012
SerbiaConsultancy Services to Develop an ICT Strategy and Implementation Roadmap for the Justice SectorWorld BankMinistry of Justice2012
SerbiaExpertise for Analyses and Development of Tax Authority business processes for control and collectioWorld BankMinistry of Labor and Social Policy, Ministry of Finance2011
BulgariaSpecialized training of SIRENE office personnelEUMinistry of Interior2010
MacedoniaDrafting ToR for TA in enhancing administrative capacities for regulation of new digital servicesEUBroadcasting Council, Agency for Electronic Communications2010
MontenegroTA to the Ministry for transposition of RTT&EMC DirectiveEUMinistry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Telecommunications2010
KazakhstanKazakhstan Health Sector Technology Transfer Project (Health Management Information Sytem)World BankMinistry of Health2007
BulgariaStrengthening of the Administrative Capacity of the Council for Electronic MediaEUCouncil for Electronic Media2005