International development projects

RwandaFeasibility study of implementing a BDF Integrated Management Information System (MIS)World BankBusiness Development Fund (BDF)2024-2026
North MacedoniaDevelopment of Functional/Technical Requirements and Bidding Documents for PRO Working BodyWorld BankMinistry of Finance2024-2025
AlbaniaSupport SAO to bring judicial practices in line with EU best practices and human rights standardsEUState Advocate's Office (SAO)2024-2025
CARICOM RegionConsultancy on International Trade in ServicesEDFCARICOM secretariat2023-2024
PalestineBusiness Process Re-engineering (BPR) of Procedures, Forms, Templates for e-Government ProcurementWorld BankHigh Council for Public Procurement Policies2022-2024
PalestineDeveloping a Multi-Tenant and Integrated Payroll System for the Palestinian National AuthorityEUMinistry of Finance2021-2024
North MacedoniaDesign of Single Unified Registry SystemWorld BankMinistry of Labor and Social Policy2021-2024
AlbaniaTechnical design and quality control for property data digitisation and data improvementEUState Cadastre Agency2021-2023
North MacedoniaPreparation of documents for establishing a Central Disability Certification Coordination UnitWorld BankMinistry of Labor and Social Policy2021-2023
MontenegroContribution to the Establishment of the Natura 2000 Network for MontenegroEUMinistry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism, and the Environmental Protection Agency2021-2023
Sri LankaDevelop an Institutional Information Technology Strategy and Provide Implementation SupportWorld BankSecurities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka2021-2022
South AfricaStrengthening Financial Management and Consequence Management for Municipal Finance Management ActEUNational Treasury2021-2022
HungaryIncreasing the efficiency of the public employment service´s administrative process with ICT reformEU, DG ReformMinistry for Innovation and Technology2021-2022
MontenegroImplementation of a System for the Centralized Calculation of EarningsEUMinistry of Finance2019-2022
KazakhstanImproving Public Services in Legal Entities Registration and Record Registration of Their BranchesWorld BankMinistry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan2019-2020
KazakhstanImproving Justice Bodies' Activities in Implementation of Legal Outreach PoliciesWorld BankMinistry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan2019-2020
SerbiaBelgrade Water - Financial and Operational Performance Improvement ProgrammeEBRDWater and Sewage Company of the City of Belgrade2019-2020
MontenegroSupport to accession to Common Transit Convention and Convention on Facilitation of Trade in GoodsEUCustoms Administration2018-2022
MontenegroCapacity building for MONSTATEUStatistical Office of Montenegro (MONSTAT)2018-2020
ZimbabwePerformance Review of the Zimbabwe Forestry CommissionEUMinistry of Environment2018-2019
SerbiaTA for Establishing the Institutional Framework for the Implementation of AIS/AESEUCustoms Administration of the Republic of Serbia2017-2019
MontenegroEstablishment of Natura 2000 networkEUMinistry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, Environmental Protection Agency2016-2019
MongoliaTechnical assistance advisory (Statistical and IT expertise)World BankNational Registration and Statistics Office of Mongolia2016-2018
SerbiaImproving mechanism for financing of the civil society sector from public funding in SerbiaEUDelegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia2016-2017
AlbaniaPreparation and drafting of programming documents to support Justice Sector ReformsEUMinistry of Justice2016-2017
AzerbaijanUpgrading and modernizing court web portalWorld BankMinistry of Justice2015-2016
Caribbean CommunityEstablishment of a Labour Market Information System for Free Movement of Skills within the CSMEEUCaribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat2014-2017
MoldovaImprovement of Regional Statistics in the Republic of MoldovaEUNational Bureau of Statistics2014-2016
EU and EFTA countriesPeer reviews in EU Member states and EFTA countriesEUEUROSTAT2014-2015
RomaniaDevelope evaluation capacity of ROP MA (Regional Operational Programme Managing Authority), ROP IBEUMinistry of Regional Development and Public Administration2014-2015
SerbiaCreation of conditions for organizational, functional restructuring within the public administrationEUMinistry of Public Administration and Local Self Government2014-2015
DjiboutiTA for the preparation of 11th EDF RIP for IGAD region, regional programming exercise for 11th EDFEUDjibouti, IGAD Secretariat and EU Delegation Djibouti2014-2015
MontenegroImproving Statistical Information SystemEUStatistical Office of Montenegro2013-2015
RomaniaMonitoring and Evaluation of Structural ReformsWorld BankThe General Secretariat of the Government2013-2015
KazahstanAnalysis, Assessment, Recommendations on Modernization of Information and Communications Technology,World BankCustoms Control Committee of the Ministry of Finance2013-2014
MacedoniaSoftware Solution for Online Filling in the Statistical QuestionnairesEUState Statistical Office2013-2014
MontenegroSupport to the Human Resources Management AuthorityEUThe Human Resources Management Authority2013-2014
CroatiaBusiness process analysis and improvementEUAgency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices2013-2014
SerbiaManagement Information Improvement Project, Phase 3 (MIIP 3)Norwegian Ministry of Foreign AffairsMinistry of Interior2012-2015
CroatiaEstablishment of an integrated management information systemEUMinistry of Finance2012-2014
RomaniaProfessional project management services and system analysis for the implementation of the ForExeBugEUMinistry of Public Finance2012-2014
Bosnia and HerzegovinaDevelopment of an EU Acquis-Compliant Legislative Framework in the field of Electricity in Bosnia anEUMinistry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, Entities' Line Ministries, State and Entity Regulators2012-2013
Bosnia and HerzegovinaTechnical assistance to population and housing census - phase IIEUAgency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BHAS), Institute for Statistics of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FIS), Institute for Statistics of Republika Srpska2012-2013
RomaniaTechnical Assistance for use of ICT in Local Schools and LibrariesWorld BankMinistry of Communications and Information Society2012-2013
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika of SrpskaPrepare tender documents to purchase hardware, software and licences to implement SAP ERP systemsBiH public procurementMixed Holding Power Utility, Electric Power Company2011-2015
MacedoniaManagement Support to the New Computerized Transit System (NCTS) ImplementationEUMacedonian Customs Administration2011-2013
RomaniaRMS (resource management system) implementation for contract management and monitoringWorld BankMinistry of Justice2011-2013
RomaniaDevelopment of MySMISEUAuthority for the Coordination of Structural Instruments2011-2013
RomaniaDevelopment of an Information Centre for Structural InstrumentsEUMinistry of European Affairs2011-2013
CroatiaDevelopment of main register and central application system for Probation serviceEUMinistry of Justice2011-2012
SerbiaSupport to e-government developmentEUMinistry of Justice and Public Administration, Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications2011-2012
AlbaniaSupport to the National Agency for Information Society aimed at building an e-Government infrastructEUNational Agency for Information Society and Ministry for Innovation and ICT2010-2012
CroatiaTechnical assistance in development of selected areas of statisticsEUCroatian Bureau of Statistics2010-2012
KosovoImproving capacity to implement agricultural and rural development policy, and Farmer RegisterEUMinistry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development2010-2012
RomaniaCapacity development for evaluation units in Managing Authorities and in the Beneficiary AuthorityEUAuthority for the Coordination of Structural Funds2010-2012
CroatiaDevelopment of modern information system for strengthening Anti-corruption Inter-Agency Co-operationEUMinistry of Justice2010-2011
SerbiaIT strategyEUCustoms Administration of Serbia2010-2011
AlbaniaTechnical Assistance to the National Statistics Office (INSTAT) and its Regional officesEUNational Statistics Office (INSTAT)2009-2010
CroatiaDeveloping the readiness to implement Schengen Information System (SIS II)EUMinistry of Interior2009-2010
KosovoTA to design technical specification for the "Establishment of a Broadcasting Monitoring System"EUIndependent Media Commission2009-2010
SerbiaSupport to the Financial Management Information SystemEUMinistry of Finance2007-2009
MacedoniaDesigning new business processes, functional specification for pension resolution and payment systemWorld BankPension and Disability Insurance Fund2007-2008
MacedoniaTA to development of operational capacity of the police border serviceEUMinistry of Interior2007-2008
Bosnia and HerzegovinaTechnical Assistance in Implementation of the Air Traffic Management StrategyEUDirectorate for Civil Aviation2006-2007
BulgariaTA for project preparation and implementation for the Phare CBC/INTERREG III A Programme BG-GREUMinistry of Regional Development2006-2007
MacedoniaTechnical Assistance to the Telecommunications SectorEUAgency for Electronic Communication2006-2007
BulgariaTechnical Assistance to the Computerization of the Judiciary IT SystemsEUMinistry of Justice2005-2007
BulgariaDevelopment and Implementation of VIES requirements and EU interoperability standardsEUBulgarian Tax Administration2004-2006
The GambiaE-Government Assessment and Roadmap and Policy DevelopmentWorld BankMinistry of Communications and Digital Economy Republic of The Gambia2024-2025
PalestineProperty valuation system development (Single and Mass valuation)World BankPalestinian Land Authority2023-2023
AlbaniaAdvisory Support for the Validation of Use of Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) 70 MapsWorld BankAgency for the Delivery of Integrated Services in Albania (ADISA)2020-2020
UgandaSupport in the Formulation of the Action 'Service delivery, cohesion and employment through enhancedEUDelegation of the European Union to Uganda2019-2019
MacedoniaEx-post monitoring of Supply of vehicles implemented and financed by IPAEUDelegation of the EU to FYRO Macedonia2018-2018
KazakhstanInformation security assurance in e-health areaWorld BankMinistry of Health2016-2016
SerbiaFormative evaluation of implementation of inclusive practices in the Education System in SerbiaUNICEFUNICEF2016-2016
RomaniaDevelopment of a mechanism for monitoring implementation of anti-corruption actions within NASEUMinistry of Regional Development and Public Administration2014-2014
NigeriaElection Expert Mission (EEM) to NigeriaEUEEAS (European External Action Service) VI.3 Election Division and (Foreign Policy Instruments) FPI/EC Services2014-2014
CroatiaDeveloping the Croatian Health Sector project pipeline for EU fundsWorld BankMinistry of Health2013-2013
AlbaniaDesign a web-based system of the Environmental Information SystemWorld BankMinistry of Environment, Forest and Water Administration2012-2012
AlbaniaSupport and Expansion of the Treasury SystemADA (Austrian Development Agency)Ministry of Finance2012-2012
SerbiaConsultancy Services to Develop an ICT Strategy and Implementation Roadmap for the Justice SectorWorld BankMinistry of Justice2012-2012
SerbiaExpertise for Analyses and Development of Tax Authority business processes for control and collectioWorld BankMinistry of Labor and Social Policy, Ministry of Finance2011-2011
BulgariaSpecialized training of SIRENE office personnelEUMinistry of Interior2010-2010
MacedoniaDrafting ToR for TA in enhancing administrative capacities for regulation of new digital servicesEUBroadcasting Council, Agency for Electronic Communications2010-2010
MontenegroTA to the Ministry for transposition of RTT&EMC DirectiveEUMinistry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Telecommunications2010-2010
KazakhstanKazakhstan Health Sector Technology Transfer Project (Health Management Information Sytem)World BankMinistry of Health2007-2006
BulgariaStrengthening of the Administrative Capacity of the Council for Electronic MediaEUCouncil for Electronic Media2005-2005